Objectives, Standards, and Assessments


1.  SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of the processes used to produce metals or plastics, how and where these materials are used, and the environmental concerns surrounding the production processes of these materials through their creation of technology based presentation for their chemistry class.  
  1.   2. SWBAT calculate and compare the energy needed to recycle a certain metal verses extracting the metal from an ore, and brainstorm a “green” product made from recycling their assigned metal.
3.   SWBAT identify and describe the chemicals involved in the synthesis of a plastic, the potential hazards of the involved chemicals, and the chemical reactions involved.
4.  SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of how human activities have impacted the lagoon environments in Carlsbad in both positive and negative ways through their oral presentations to the class.
5.  After analyzing the economic and environmental affects of recycling used goods (e.g. aluminum, glass, paper, plastic, steel, and batteries), participating in service learning related to the reclamation of inappropriately disposed waste, and learning how to construct a persuasive argument, SWBAT articulate a professional presentation on notable findings as well as a written argumentative paper addressed to a local, state or federal government officeholder to persuade him/her to enact feasible legislation to curb the act of littering in our community/ies (Statistics as well as all other subject areas; psychomotor, cognitive)


Chemical Bonds (For both metals and plastics)
2. Biological, chemical, and physical properties of matter result from the ability of atoms to form bonds from electrostatic forces between electrons and protons and between atoms and molecules. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know atoms combine to form molecules by sharing electrons to form covalent or metallic bonds or by exchanging electrons to form ionic bonds.
b. Students know chemical bonds between atoms in molecules such as H2, CH4, NH3, H2CCH2, N2, Cl2, and many large biological molecules are covalent.
c. Students know salt crystals, such as NaCl, are repeating patterns of positive and negative ions held together by electrostatic attraction.
Chemical Thermodynamics (For Metals)
7. Energy is exchanged or transformed in all chemical reactions and physical changes of matter. As a basis for understanding this concept:
c. Students know energy is released when a material condenses or freezes and is absorbed when a material evaporates or melts.
d. Students know how to solve problems involving heat flow and temperature changes, using known values of specific heat and latent heat of phase change.
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (For Plastics)
10. The bonding characteristics of carbon allow the formation of many different organic molecules of varied sizes, shapes, and chemical properties and provide the bio­ chemical basis of life. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know large molecules (polymers), such as proteins, nucleic acids, and starch, are formed by repetitive combinations of simple subunits.
b. Students know the bonding characteristics of carbon that result in the formation of a large variety of structures ranging from simple hydrocarbons to complex polymers and biological molecules.

Biological and Life Sciences
6. Ecology: Stability in an ecosystem is a balance between competing effects. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know biodiversity is the sum total of different kinds of organisms and is affected by alterations of habitat.
b. Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting in climate, human activity, introduction of non-native species, or changes in population size

Probability and Statistics Standards
6.0 - Students know the definitions of the mean, median, and mode of a distribution of data and can compute each in particular situations
8.0 - Students organize and describe distributions of data by using a number of different methods, including frequency tables, histograms, standard line and bar graphs, stem-and-leaf displays, scatterplots, and box-and-whisker plots.

Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text:
2.4 Make warranted and reasonable assertions about the author’s arguments by using
elements of the text to defend and clarify interpretations.
2.5 Analyze an author’s implicit and explicit philosophical assumptions and beliefs about a
Literary Response & Analysis 3.4
Analyze the ways in which poets use imagery, personification, figures of speech, and sounds to evoke readers’ emotions.
 Writing Applications (Write Reponses to Literature) 2.2a-d
a. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the significant ideas in works or passages.
b. Analyze the use of imagery, language, universal themes, and unique aspects of the text.
c. Support important ideas and viewpoints through accurate and detailed references to the text and to other works.
d. Demonstrate an understanding of the author’s use of stylistic devices and an appreciation of the effects created.
Expository Critique
2.6 Critique the power, validity, and truthfulness of arguments set forth in public documents;
their appeal to both friendly and hostile audiences; and the extent to which the
arguments anticipate and address reader concerns and counterclaims (e.g., appeal to
reason, to authority, to pathos and emotion).
2.3 Write reflective compositions:
a. Explore the significance of personal experiences, events, conditions, or concerns by
using rhetorical strategies (e.g., narration, description, exposition, persuasion).
b. Draw comparisons between specific incidents and broader themes that illustrate the
writer’s important beliefs or generalizations about life.
c. Maintain a balance in describing individual incidents and relate those incidents to
more general and abstract ideas.
2.6 Deliver multimedia presentations:
a. Combine text, images, and sound and draw information from many sources
(e.g., television broadcasts, videos, films, newspapers, magazines, CD-ROMs,
the Internet, electronic media-generated images).
b. Select an appropriate medium for each element of the presentation.
c. Use the selected media skillfully, editing appropriately and monitoring for quality.
d. Test the audience’s response and revise the presentation accordingly.


  1.     Reflective Digital Portfolio: Formal, Summative. Students will create a final digital portfolio that reflects on their experience during the service learning portion of the unit. Students will be provided with a rubric to guide them in the creation of their final product. Students will be able to choose the medium that they want to use to deliver their portfolio (a video or slide show with voice audio). The portfolios will be assessed by each of the teachers participating in the unit. A combined score from each teacher will provide the final grade. A graded rubric will be provided as feedback to the students:

      Student Name: _________________________________

      Please read through this rubric before beginning your video project. We will use this rubric to assess your work, so please familiarize yourself with the expectations of the project before turning in your group’s video. Good luck!


Describe Service Learning
Service learning activity is not described enough so that the audience understands what it consists of. No pictures or video of the activity are included in the video.
Service learning is accurately described and a good amount of pictures and video of the activity are included in the video.
Service learning activity is described in detail. The pictures and video of the activity are an enriching resource in the description of the activity.
Connection to Class work
Some connection to class work is found. Students connect to only one or two of the disciplinary courses that comprise the ITU.
A solid connection to class work in all four disciplinary courses is established. Students describe how the connections were made.
Students seamlessly weave and connect service learning to all four disciplinary courses. Students connect to coursework based on themes and enduring understandings.
Connection to Community
Some brief connection to the community is made. Students may briefly/vaguely mention how their work helps Carlsbad.
Solid connection to the community is made. Students begin to connect their service learning work to different aspects of the Carlsbad community: CHS, at home, the beaches, lagoons, as a city, etc. with some mention of social justice and equity.
Students create a strong connection to their community. They explicitly address how their service learning work connects to different aspects of the Carlsbad community: CHS, at home, the beaches, lagoons, as a city, etc. and address social justice and equity.
Level of Reflection
Students reflect little on their service learning and what they have learned.
Students show appropriate level of reflection on their service learning. Students prove that they have understood the project’s bigger picture and significance.
Students show a deep level of reflection on their service learning. Students prove that they see the bigger picture and have thoroughly reflected on the significance on the project.
Production Quality

The tape is edited in few spots. Several poor shots remain. Transitions from shot to shot are choppy, and the types of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate for the scene. There are many unnatural breaks and/or early cuts.
The tape is edited throughout with only quality shots remaining. A variety of transitions are used. Good pacing and timing.
The tape is edited with only high quality shots remaining. Video moves smoothly from shot to shot. A variety of transitions are used to assist in communicating the main idea and smooth the flow from one scene to the next. Shots and scenes flow seamlessly. Digital effects are used appropriately for emphasis.
Some of the graphics, animations, or music seem unrelated to the topic/theme and do not enhance concepts.
The graphics, animations, or music visually depict material and assist the audience in understanding the flow of information or content.
The graphics, animation, or music assist in presenting an overall theme that appeals to the audience and enhances concepts with a high impact message. They explain and reinforce key points during the presentation.
Additional Teacher Notes:

2.     Marine Science Oral Presentations:  Formal, Summative. Students will work in groups to create and present an oral presentation on one aspect of how human activity has impacted the lagoon ecosystems in Carlsbad. Students will be provided a rubric to guide them in the creation of their final product. Students must include a technology-based visual to accompany their oral presentation. They may choose to use PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, Glogster, or another tool of their choice with teacher approval. Each student must have a speaking role in the presentation. The teacher will use a rubric to guide her grading and return the rubric with teacher feedback to the students.
3.     Chemistry Oral Presentations:1.     Formal, Summative. Students will work in groups to create a presentation on the production and use of either a specific metal or plastic. They will use at least one technology tool for their presentation, like PowerPoint or Keynote, and will include visuals such as photographs, charts, videos or animations. Each member of the group must speak during the presentation. A simple rubric will provide students with the basic, necessary information that each presentation needs to include. Students will also create a poster to emphasize the importance of keeping the environment clean and to promote recycling materials. Students will be assessed on their posters, participation, and presentations.
4.     English Reflective Paper: Formal, Summative. Students will work independently to create a reflective paper on their service learning experience. Their paper should answer the question: How did your work impact your community? Students will be provided a rubric and a student sample to guide their writing and showcase the level of reflection that their papers must show. We will pre-write in class and will also peer review the first draft, which will provide students with plenty of opportunities to self-assess and prepare their final product.
5.     Statistics Week 1 CW worksheet handout:
Formality: Formal.
Purpose: Entry Level Work, Formative
Implementation Method: Written (on handout or separate sheet of paper)
Communication of Expectations: Verbal, Written on Website under assignments, Modeled via sample, and modeled problems with students needing differentiation and repeated intruction.
Evaluation Criteria: If completed then full credit. Will not be graded for accuracy.
Feedback Strategies: Through verbal feedback during progress monitoring
6.     Statistics Week 3 Jigsaw Activity
Formality: Formal
Purpose: Summative
Implementation Method: Verbal, Performance
Communication of Expectations: In class verbally on Week 1. Also have expectations posted on class website.
Evaluation Criteria: Students whom participate with relevant material/reflection will get full credit. Students whom provide minimal data/reflection will be given partial credit. Students whom provide no data/reflection receive no credit
Feedback Strategies: Verbal, during questions after presentation

- Statistics Week 5: Statistical Portion of Final Project and Persuasive Letter
Formality: Formal 
Purpose: Summative
Implementation Method: Verbal Performance and Written
 Communication of Expectation: Verbal, Written Rubric

Statistics Week 5 Rubric

Approaching Expectations
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

25 pts
Little or no relevant data provided
Relevant data provided
Very relevant and detailed data provided from coursework and service learning
(5-10 min)

40 pts

Content does not coincide with presented material, students do not show correlation factors, or students do not meet time requirements. No reflection of service learning provided
Students meet time requirements, material presented in a coherent and statistically correct manner. Reflection of service learning included
Students meet expectations, as well as analyze validity of data and explain feasibility for use of data in predicting future data.

Persuasive Letter

35 pts
Little or no effort shown in letter. This includes little focus on the urgency of situation, no support for commentary, and poor mechanics or grammar
Letter is focused on the goal of providing ways to curb the act of littering. Commentary supported with facts that are appropriate. Few mechanical and grammatical errors
Meets expectations, AND
Argument is arranged in good order, with personal anecdotes that grabs readers attention and solidifies context of data provided. Uses data from Coursework, as well as individually researched data.

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