Calendar and Lessons

Unit Calendar

Duration of Unit: 6 Weeks

Carlsbad High School functions on block scheduling (three 2-hour periods per day). We will include our ITU work into portions of our normal class periods. Therefore, we have organized our calendar to reflect the days and times in which our ITU's will be the sole focus of our classes.

Week 1: March 26th – March 30th

Marine Science
Monday, March 26th
Lesson: 60 minutes Introduction to ITU - Metals and Ores
Chemical Bonds
2. Biological, chemical, and physical properties of matter result from the ability of atoms to form bonds from electrostatic forces between electrons and protons and between atoms and molecules. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know atoms combine to form molecules by sharing electrons to form covalent or metallic bonds or by exchanging electrons to form ionic bonds.
Chemical Thermodynamics
7. Energy is exchanged or transformed in all chemical reactions and physical changes of matter. As a basis for understanding this concept:
c. Students know energy is released when a material condenses or freezes and is
absorbed when a material evaporates or melts.
d. Students know how to solve problems involving heat flow and temperature changes, using known values of specific heat and latent heat of phase change.
SWBAT describe the chemistry of the rock, mineral, or ore of their metal.
SWBAT understand the nature of bonding (covalent, ionic, metallic) in mineral and ore deposits.
SWBAT calculate the energies required to extract metals from ores (metal oxides).
Activity: Students will form groups of 3 and pick a metal or plastic to research and present.
Assessment: Formally assess for understanding of the assignment.
Monday, March 26th
Lesson: Introduction to the ITU - 60 Min
Standard: Probability and Statistics Standard 6.0 - Students know the definitions of the mean, median, and mode of a distribution of data and can compute each in particular situations.
Objective: After an intro into the topic of the upcoming unit, and analyzing the economic and environmental advantages to recycling aluminum, SWBAT determine the average (mean) economic and environmental impact each American has on the amount of aluminum cans that are wasted each year (Probability and Statistics Standard 6.0)
Activity: Brainstorming ideas about what it means to be green. Ice-breaking worksheet to open the students eye about the economics and environmental advantages to recycling aluminum. Forming of groups for research project
Assessment: Worksheet handout collected (formal)
- HW to determine the per capita impact on the amount of aluminum that doesn’t get recycled every year (Formative)
Tuesday, March 27th
Lesson: Introduction to the ITU – 30 min.
Standard: Biology/Life Science 6 Ecology.
a. Students know biodiversity is the sum total of different kinds of organisms and is affected by alterations of habitat.
b. Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting in climate, human activity, introduction of non-native species, or changes in population size.
Objective: NA
Activity: Teacher will introduce the ITU, and the students will follow along with provided graphic organizers. Students will form groups for their class presentations and choose their presentation topic.
Assessment: Informal formative: Teacher will ask questions while going over the ITU with students to check understanding.
Tuesday, March 27th
Lesson: Introduction to the ITU- 30 minutes
Standard: Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text:
2.4 Make warranted and reasonable assertions about the author’s arguments by using elements of the text to defend and clarify interpretations.
2.5 Analyze an author’s implicit and explicit philosophical assumptions and beliefs about a subject.
Objective: After an introduction to the ITU project, SWBAT read and respond to a local newspaper article on the lagoons/beaches of Carlsbad by participating in a jigsaw assignment.
Activity: TW introduce the ITU project to students by passing out an task sheet. TW review the assignment and answer questions. To familiarize themselves with some of the issues of the Carlsbad lagoons and beaches, students will read recent newspaper articles in a jigsaw and create posters that summarize their reading, ask questions, and
Assessment: Informal, formative: questioning and levels of discussion that students engage in. Formal: students will present and turn in their posters.

Week 2: April 2nd – April 6th

Marine Science
Tuesday, April 3rd
Lesson: Plastics
Standard: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
10. The bonding characteristics of carbon allow the formation of many different organic molecules of varied sizes, shapes, and chemical properties and provide the biochemical basis of life. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know large molecules (polymers), such as proteins, nucleic acids, and starch, are formed by repetitive combinations of simple subunits.
b. Students know the bonding characteristics of carbon that result in the formation of a large variety of structures ranging from simple hydrocarbons to complex polymers and biological molecules.
Objective: SWBAT:
Name the organic compounds in plastics using the IUPAC system.
Define a polymer and identify any polymers in their plastic.
Describe the chemical reaction(s) that produce the plastic of interest.
Give a mini-presentation (10-15 min) about their plastic. 
Activity: Students will form groups of 3 and pick a metal or plastic to research and present.
Assessment: Formally assess for understanding of the assignment
Tuesday, April  3rd
Lesson: Intro to Service Learning Project Requirements 60 min
Standard: 8.0 Students organize and describe distributions of data by using a number of different methods, including frequency tables, histograms, standard line and bar graphs, stem-and-leaf displays, scatterplots, and box-and-whisker plots.
Objective: Ss will understand the requirements for their ITU
Activity: Students will be given online resource to study previous San Diego trash cleanup events. Students will be instructed to work in their teams to analyze the previous data, as well as the data they collect from their own cleanup.
Assessment: N/A

Monday, April 2nd
Lesson: Technology Introduction - 30 minutes
Standard: Science Standard Investigation and Experimentation 1
a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data.
Objective: SWBAT use technology based visual aids to display their data, findings and results in their oral presentations.
Activity: Students will learn how to use PowerPoint and Prezi presentation tools.
Assessment: Informal Formative, teacher will assess the students understanding of the tools through class discussions. Formal Summative, the teacher will assess their understanding when the groups deliver their final oral presentations in week 6.
Wednesday, April 3rd
Lesson: Poetry and Nature-60 minutes
Standard: Literary Response & Analysis 3.4 Analyze the ways in which poets use imagery, personification, figures of speech, and sounds to evoke readers’ emotions. Writing Applications (Write Responses to Literature) 2.2a-d
a. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the significant ideas in works or passages.
b. Analyze the use of imagery, language, universal themes, and unique aspects of the text.
c. Support important ideas and viewpoints through accurate and detailed references to the text and to other works.
d. Demonstrate an understanding of the author’s use of stylistic devices and an appreciation of the effects created.
Objective: After discussing two poems that relate to nature, SWBAT create their own poems, write an analysis of their chosen poem and explicate their own poem by participating in a poem mash-up activity.

Activity: SW brainstorm the role  that nature plays in some classic and contemporary poetry. Class will read two poems from different eras. SW annotate and respond to the poem by creating their own poems in a mash-up activity. 
Assessment: Formal, Summative: The poems they create, as well as their explication, will be due at the next meeting.
Week 3: April 16th – April 20th

Marine Science
Monday, April 16th
Lesson: Technology Introduction 30 mins. - “Keynote”
Standard: Science Standard Investigation and Experimentation 1
a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data.
Objective: SWBAT use technology based visual aids to display their data, findings and results in their oral presentations.
Activity: Students will learn how to use Keynote and Glogster presentation tools.
Assessment: Informal Formative, teacher will assess the students understanding of the tools through class discussions. Formal Summative, the teacher will assess their understanding when the groups deliver their final oral presentations in week 6.
Monday, April 16th
Lesson: Jigsaw recyclable materials and Analyzing previous Beach Cleanup Data
Standard: 8.0 Students organize and describe distributions of data by using a number of different methods, including frequency tables, histograms, standard line and bar graphs, stem-and-leaf displays, scatterplots, and box-and-whisker plots.
Objective: After hearing the presentations on different recyclable materials, learning about local clean up efforts, and reflecting on what they have learned in their English, Marine Bio, and Chemistry classes, students will brainstorm ideas as to what they want the focus of their Final Project to be. Ss will also create questions they can think of that relate to the learning objectives, to be used as questions for the exam next week.
Activity: SW report on their topic (assigned week 1) as a group. Students listen and take notes. Students brainstorm about what they can focus on in their final project, based on everything they’ve been learning the past month. Students also work as a group in thinking of worthwhile test-like questions to be considered for the upcoming exam next week.
Assessment: -Ss will be assessed on the richness of their data collected on their particular material researched (Formal, summative)
Students will be assessed on their ideas for their final project (Informal, Formative)

Tuesday, April 17th
Lesson: The ecology of Batiquitos Lagoon Part 1 – 60 min.
Standard: Biology/Life Science 6 Ecology.
a. Students know biodiversity is the sum total of different kinds of organisms and is affected by alterations of habitat.
b. Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting in climate, human activity, introduction of non-native species, or changes in population size.
Objective: SWBAT to demonstrate their understanding of the prominent species that live in Batiquitos Lagoon and their relationship to one another.
Activity: The teacher will present a power point presentation on the species of plants and animals that live in Batiquitos Lagoon. The students will follow along with their graphic organizers. The students will work in groups to complete a food web for Batiquitos Lagoon.
Assessment: Formal formative: The teacher will collect the food web activity at the end of the period to check the students’ understanding of the relationships between species in the lagoon.
Tuesday, April 17th
Lesson: What makes a “green” citizen?- 60 min
Standard: Expository Critique
2.6 Critique the power, validity, and truthfulness of arguments set forth in public documents; their appeal to both friendly and hostile audiences; and the extent to which the arguments anticipate and address reader concerns and counterclaims (e.g., appeal to reason, to authority, to pathos and emotion).
Objective: After reading an article “What Does It Take to be a Good Citizen?” SWBAT connect literacy to becoming a “green” citizen by participating in small group discussions and later sharing as a whole class.
Activity: TW pose the question of the day for students. SW read the article, then go into small groups and discuss according to the assignment sheet for the day. One of the questions will ask the students to compare and think about the question of the day. Using information from their science and math classes, what can we say about “green” citizens? What role does literacy (like the article mentions) play?
Assessment: Informal, formative: Student discussion driven by the questions attached to the article. Whole class discussion. Ability to incorporate science and math knowledge into their answers. Formal: Exit slip is to answer, in 1 sentence the most important characteristic a “green” citizen possesses.

Week 4: April 23rd – April 27th

Marine Science
Monday, April 23rd
Lesson: Technology Introduction 30 mins. - “Glogster”
Standard: Science Standard Investigation and Experimentation 1:
a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data.

Objective: SWBAT use technology based visual aids to display their data, findings and results in their oral presentations.

Activity: Students will learn how to use Keynote and Glogster presentation tools.

Assessment: Informal Formative, teacher will assess the students understanding of the tools through class discussions. Formal Summative, the teacher will assess their understanding when the groups deliver their final oral presentations in week 6
Friday, April 27th
Lesson: Collaborative Exam
Standard: Probability and Statistics Standard 6.0 - Students know the definitions of the mean, median, and mode of a distribution of data and can compute each in particular situations.
8.0 Students organize and describe distributions of data by using a number of different methods, including frequency tables, histograms, standard line and bar graphs, stem-and-leaf displays, scatterplots, and box-and-whisker plots.
Objective: SWBAT show their understanding of analyzing data sets using data collected or researched by Ss in the class.
Activity: Students take test that was written based off of student material presented in Jigsaw activity from the week before. Ss are given class time to use participating in their service learning requirement.
Assessment: Test on recycling data. Ss will be expected to, with the use of their graphing calculator and a partner, answer questions relating to data sets (mean median, mode, correlation, best fit regression equations). Justifications will be expected.(Formal Summative)
Tuesday, April 24th
Lesson: The ecology of Batiquitos Lagoon Part 2 – 60 min.
Standard: Biology/Life Science 6 Ecology.
a. Students know biodiversity is the sum total of different kinds of organisms and is affected by alterations of habitat.
b. Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting in climate, human activity, introduction of non-native species, or changes in population size.
Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of the history of the lagoon and how human activities have affect the ecology of the lagoon.
Activity: The teacher will present a power point presentation and lead a class discussion on the history of the Batiquitos Lagoon and how human activity has impacted the ecological environment of the lagoon. The students will perform a quick write to one of two teacher prompts.
Assessment: Informal and Formal Formative: Teacher will use the students input to the class discussion and their quick write responses to evaluate the students understanding of the issue.
Tuesday, April 24th
Lesson: Reflective Paper Pre-Write- 30 min
Standard: 2.3 Write reflective compositions:
a. Explore the significance of personal experiences, events, conditions, or concerns by using rhetorical strategies (e.g., narration, description, exposition, persuasion).
b. Draw comparisons between specific incidents and broader themes that illustrate the writer’s important beliefs or generalizations about life.
c. Maintain a balance in describing individual incidents and relate those incidents to more general and abstract ideas.
Objective: SWBAT reflect on their service learning by reviewing the requirements, reading a student sample, and filling out a graphic organizer. Prompt: How did the work you did impact your community? 
Activity: TW remind students of the reflective paper that they need to write. She will review the task sheet with them and clarify expectations. The class will read a student sample and answer questions that correspond to the sample. After that, students will work independently on their graphic organizers.
Assessment: SW turn in their G.O.’s when they turn in the final version of their work. (Formal, summative)

Week 5: April 30th – May 4th

Marine Science
Thursday, May 3rd
Lesson: Presentations (6)
Standard: 10a-b, 2a,7c-d
Objective: SWBAT give a presentation, using appropriate technology, as a group.
SWBAT present their poster
Activity: Students will give their presentations, and a reflective and constructive class discussion will follow.
Assessment: Student presentations, Summative assessment
Assessed on:
1. Presentation & speaking skills
2. Proper use of technology
3. Content covered completely
4. Poster (any medium, digital or traditional)
Tuesday, May 1st
Lesson: Review of Reflective Portfolio (statistics portion)
Standard: 8.0 Students organize and describe distributions of data by using a number of different methods, including frequency tables, histograms, standard line and bar graphs, stem-and-leaf displays, scatter plots, and box-and-whisker plots.
Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of what is being littered into our ecosystems. In addition, students will present their thoughts as to what measures could/should be taken by local, state, and/or federal governments to curb littering. Arguments will be supported with knowledge gained from the other subjects that are participating in the ITU (this includes correct persuasive writing techniques, something learning earlier in the year in Ms. Calderon's class)
Activity: Ss will present their findings and reflections based on their experiences on this unit.
Assessment: Teacher will evaluate the students presentations and work done as a result of their service learning. Written portion will be collected and graded with me and Mrs Calderon. (Co-Graded)(formal, summative)

Friday, May 4th
Lesson: Marine Science Class Presentations – 120 min.
Standard: Biology/Life Science 6 Ecology.
a. Students know biodiversity is the sum total of different kinds of organisms and is affected by alterations of habitat.
b. Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting in climate, human activity, introduction of non-native species, or changes in population size.
Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of how human activities have impacted the local lagoon ecology in Carlsbad as demonstrated through their class presentations.
Activity: Students will be present their group presentations to the class.
Assessment: Formal Summative: Teacher will evaluate the students understanding based on their presentations to the class. Students will receive a grade for their work. 
Monday, April 30th
Lesson: Peer Review/Teacher Conference of Reflective Paper
Standard: 2.3 Write reflective compositions:
a. Explore the significance of personal experiences, events, conditions, or concerns by using rhetorical strategies (e.g., narration, description, exposition, persuasion).
b. Draw comparisons between specific incidents and broader themes that illustrate the writer’s important beliefs or generalizations about life.
c. Maintain a balance in describing individual incidents and relate those incidents to more general and abstract ideas.
Objective: After finishing their first draft, SWBAT revise their work and improve the level of writing by participating in a peer review activity and meeting with the teacher.
Activity: Students will be assigned a partner and work with them on peer reviewing essays. They will have to answer questions on a peer review page and will have an opportunity to meet with the teacher.
Assessment: The final version of their paper will be due the following week (along with their digital portfolio). Their graphic organizer and peer review worksheet will also be collected as part of the assignment. (Final, summative).

Week 6: May 7th – May 11th

Marine Science
Monday, May 7th
Lesson: Presentations (6)
Standard: 10a-b, 2a,7c-d
Objective: SWBAT give a presentation, using appropriate technology, as a group.
SWBAT present their poster

Students will give their presentations, and a reflective and constructive class discussion will follow.

Student presentations, Summative assessment
Assessed on:
1. Presentation & speaking skills
2. Proper use of technology
3. Content covered completely
4. Poster (any medium, digital or traditional)

Wednesday, May 9th
Lesson: Review of Reflective Digital Portfolio
Standard: 8.0 Students organize and describe distributions of data by using a number of different methods, including frequency tables, histograms, standard line and bar graphs, stem-and-leaf displays, scatterplots, and box-and-whisker plots. Objective: SWBAT to demonstrate their understanding of how service work helps our community and our world.
Activity: Ss will watch and present their reflective digital portfolios on their service work. The students will participate in a class discussion about their work.
Assessment: Teacher will evaluate the students’ performance and understanding of their service project based on their digital portfolio and class discussion. Students will receive a grade for their portfolio, to be co-graded by the ITU instructors(Formal, Summative)

Tuesday, May 8th
Lesson: Review of Reflective Digital Portfolio – 60 min.
Standard: Biology/Life Science 6 Ecology.
b. Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting in climate, human activity, introduction of non-native species, or changes in population size.

Objective: SWBAT to demonstrate their understanding of how service work helps our community and our world.
Activity: Students will watch and present their reflective digital portfolios on their service work. The students will participate in a class discussion about their work.
Assessment: Formal Summative: Teacher will evaluate the students’ performance and understanding of their service project based on their digital portfolio and class discussion. Students will receive a grade for their portfolio.
Tuesday, May 8th
Lesson: Review of Reflective Digital Portfolio
Standard: 2.6 Deliver multimedia presentations:
a. Combine text, images, and sound and draw information from many sources (e.g., television broadcasts, videos, films, newspapers, magazines, CD-ROMs, the Internet, electronic media-generated images).
b. Select an appropriate medium for each element of the presentation.
c. Use the selected media skillfully, editing appropriately and monitoring for quality.
d. Test the audience’s response and revise the presentation accordingly.
Objective: SWBAT to demonstrate their understanding of how service work helps our community and our world.
Activity: Students will watch and present their reflective digital portfolios on their service work. The students will participate in a class discussion about their work.
Assessment: Formal Summative: Teacher will evaluate the students’ performance and understanding of their service project based on their digital portfolio and class discussion. Students will receive a grade for their portfolio, to be graded by the ITU instructors.
Lesson Plans



Marine Science


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